ADA Arrival Times

Please choose a stop from the following:
 American at Eastpark [SB#9472]" (Scheduled Timepoint)"
 Anderson at Wright [WB#9438]" (Scheduled Timepoint)"
 Cremer at Park And Ride [NB#9001]" (Scheduled Timepoint)"
 E Mifflin at N Pinckney [WB#1100]" (Scheduled Timepoint)"
 E Springs at High Crossing [NB#9173]
 E Washington at E Johnson [WB#1280]
 E Washington at E Springs [WB#9520]" (Scheduled Timepoint)"
 E Washington at Eagan [WB#9810]
 E Washington at Independence [WB#9588]
 E Washington at Mendota [WB#9554]
 E Washington at Milwaukee [WB#1112]" (Scheduled Timepoint)"
 E Washington at N Baldwin [WB#1730]
 E Washington at N Blair [WB#1658]
 E Washington at N First [WB#1350]
 E Washington at N Fourth [WB#1488]
 E Washington at N Ingersoll [WB#1650]" (Scheduled Timepoint)"
 E Washington at N Marquette [WB#1938]
 E Washington at N Paterson [WB#1660]
 E Washington at Portage [WB#9152]
 E Washington at Rethke [WB#9552]
 E Washington at Wright [WB#9322]
 E Washington at Zeier [WB#9846]
 Eastpark at Biltmore [SB#9486]
 Eastpark at Dreamer [SB#9936]
 Eastpark at E Terrace [EB#9747]
 Eastpark at U W Health [EB#9651]
 Eastpark at W Terrace [EB#9521]
 Hanson at Metro Garage" (Scheduled Timepoint)"
 High Crossing at City View [WB#9138]
 High Crossing at Cross Hill [WB#9822]" (Scheduled Timepoint)"
 High Crossing at Crossroads [WB#9260]
 Mineral Point at Grand Canyon [WB#6330]
 Mineral Point at Island [WB#6724]
 Mineral Point at Memorial High [WB#6332]
 Mineral Point at S Gammon [WB#6418]
 Mineral Point at S High Point [WB#6166]
 Mineral Point at S Rosa [WB#6820]
 Mineral Point at S Westfield [WB#6426]" (Scheduled Timepoint)"
 Mineral Point at S Whitney [WB#2160]
 N Segoe at University [SB#2846]
 S Junction at Mineral Point [SB#6920]
 S Whitney at Regent [SB#2798]
 Sheboygan at Eau Claire [WB#2376]" (Scheduled Timepoint)"
 Sheboygan at N Segoe [WB#2184]
 State at W Johnson [WB#0898]
 University at N Frances [WB#0568]
 University at N Midvale [WB#2200]
 University at N Mills
 University at N Orchard
 University at N Park [WB#0100]" (Scheduled Timepoint)"
 University at N Randall [WB#0160]
 University at Ridge [WB#2070]
 University at Shorewood [WB#2712]
 University at University Bay [WB#2820]" (Scheduled Timepoint)"
 Watts at S Junction [EB#6863]" (Scheduled Timepoint)"
 Wright at Straubel [SB#9642]